31 marzo, 2007

When you don´t want to get up (dead man)

Sometimes, I feel like a dead man. It doesn´t matter the place I am ´cause it happens everywhere. It happens in Madrid, it happens in El Torno, it happens in Mérida. It´s not the sensation that I describe some post ago, this is different. The way I feel is an undescriptible sensation. No air, no colours, no live. I can´t see anything, I can´t move my eyes, my fingers, my legs. I don´t know exactly when´s going to appear or dissaper. It simply happens.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I seem to recognize that angel...fallen angel...sad angel...does it have black wings?
Death always walks besides us...that's for sure...when she touches you just don`t pay attention...because she'll never leave...she's always there.


Anónimo dijo...

a ver si cambiamos ya el post, ya te vale dead man